Monday, January 25, 2010

Moving Forward has been crappy lately. Actually, I feel bad for saying that, since I am so fortunate for so many things in my life such as health and family. I guess I can say I've been dealing with some difficult trials of life lately, and am truly trying to make the best of my situation with a goal in mind. What exactly has me down in the dumps? The gosh darn j-o-b. As I've said before, I'm not going to go into detail on here for various reasons. I just needed to share that I'm going through a rough time with it right now, and need some encouragement to make it through. I'm trying to "leave it at the door" when I come home to my family at night, but some days I just feel like crawling under my covers and bawling. All of this conflict and grief has taken a toll on my health, my personality and my family. I need to get over it, accept what cannot be changed, and move forward...knowing that I will make it through.

I need to take a step back and "find myself"....because I really don't like this depressed person that this current situation has made me. I'm young with a young family....I don't want to look back at memories of my son at this age and remember being so depressed that I missed out. So, I need to put this out there so SOMEONE can make me accountable to stick to it. Here's the plan: MOVE FORWARD. ACCEPT WHAT I CANNOT CHANGE AND AVOID THE NEGATIVITY. My family is my number one priority, and I need to make sure that I'm enjoying time spent with them rather than working about petty crap.

This post seems pretty pointless, but I figured I may as well put it out there. If anyone has any words of wisdom, lemme have it. I need to form a support group called "Mean People at Work Suck". For right now, though, I'll stick to venting on here and listening to what you have to say.

1 comment:

  1. Awww :( My advice [if you're a believer] would be to get on your knee's everymorning before you head to work. Pray for strength. Pray for God to reveal himself to you in the crappiest of situations and pray that he would help you understand that you're in your job that school...with those kids for a reason. You matter and your job is important even when you think it's not. And that you're not ever alone on this journey we call life...even in some of your most depressing times, he's with you all the way. You can do it : )
