Saturday, February 6, 2010

So, it's been awhile...

It has been a crazy few in an attempt not to ignore the blog I finally created, I will post a few bullet updates as to what has been going on in my neck of the woods:

  • We adopted a puppy from an animal rescue shelter in South Bend. We were all set on a Goldendoodle as our new pet, until we started looking online at all of the homeless pets that really needed a good home. Sooo....we adopted a (now) 10 week old Shepherd/Husky mix puppy we named Harley. Life with a toddler and puppy has been...difficult and fun at the same time. Harley is doing amazing with house training, and has only has a few accidents on the floor. She is a puppy though, and is almost as wild as Max at times. She also hates her crate, which we have had to put in the basement at night for her to sleep in since she whines so loudly in it at night (or anytime she has to go in it for that matter). I'm hoping that gets better soon....We've enrolled her in one-on-one puppy classes that began last week to help us get started right away on good doggy habits. Max and Harley have a love-hate relationship....when Max wants to play and be wild, he loves Harley. When he's trying to watch Sesame Street or is tired or just wants to chill and Harley starts nipping at him, he gets quite irritated. I have a feeling they will be best buddies soon though :) I am far too lazy to upload the recent pictures of my camera right now (that include pictures of Harley), so you will have to stay tuned to see our crazy mutt.
  • I've begun to pursue a new career path that I'm kind of nervous, kind of excited about. It involves a zillion hours of paperwork to get started, so I'm currently trying to finish tackling that part. I'm not going to go into much detail just yet until everything is worked out and finalized, but hopefully I will have some good news too. This couldn't come at a better time, since my dissatisfaction with my job and the recent education budget cuts in Indiana are no joke. Sometime by the end of next month, my corporation with know the list of people who will be out of a job due to the millions of dollars budget cut within the schools. Scary stuff for all educators right now! I'm glad to have some back-ups.
  • Max has been a sicky boy. Last week he had a cold, then this week the cold came back with a vengeance and turned into some nasty other illness. His runny nose was out of control, and last night his fever spiked up to 104 while he vomited all over daddy, the couch, the rug, himself and the floor. We had to put the poor thing in a cool bath and have cold washcloths all over him to get the fever under control....he was so miserable :( Luckily, he woke up today feeling better, although he still has a low-grade fever. Let's hope he kicks this thing once and for all very soon!
Well, that's all for now. I'll try to be back with more interesting news soon :) I hope you all are doing well while we wait for warmer weather around here!

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