Saturday, November 13, 2010

7 week countdown

I've hit the 33 week mark in my pregnancy, which means I have roughly 7 more weeks to go. I'm going to be honest....I'm doing everything in my power to reduce that number and have this baby a little early. Safe early, but still, early. Along with chasing and carrying around a 30 lb. two year old on a daily basis, I'm working full time and keeping myself quite busy. My classroom is on the second floor of my school, and I'm always running up and down the stairs to go to the office, library, copy room or other classrooms. People tell me to take the elevator because I look and sound like I might die after climbing those freaking stairs....but heck no, if it'll help me go into labor a little sooner, I'm all for it. I won't continue to go into detail and complain about my pregnancy, but just in case you were wondering, I'll highlight some of the current glorious details:
  • My back is RIDICULOUS. It was bad from the start, and I knew it was only going to get worse with the added pressure and weight, but OMG. I seriously feel crippled. Hand me a handicap sign for my car now, please. It is excruciating and just plain annoying to feel so restricted. It takes me 5 minutes to turn over in bed. 10 minutes in the morning to be able to really walk. I cannot WAIT to not have this terrible pain anymore, it's becoming unbearable. I feel so bad for Mark....since I can barely move once in bed at night or it takes forever for me to be able to move, if Max wakes up, he has to go get him back to sleep. He knows I'm miserable and would rather do that than be in such pain, but I still feel worthless because of it.
  • My groin muscles/thighs are beginning to ache as well. I'm hoping that's a sign that Jack is possibly "dropping" into position and is adding extra pressure to that area, but who knows. Could just be another extra "joy" of pregnancy.
  • Acid Reflux. Seriously? For some reason, when I'm laying in bed already miserable and uncomfortable, my body decides it's the perfect time for some acid reflux to kick in. So, I lay there feeling woozy and even more like crap until I fall asleep for an hour or so.
  • I sleep in about hour increments. After that amount of time, I have to take 5 minutes like a beached whale to turn to my other side to attempt to sleep for another hour. This involves moving all 5 pillows I have surrounding me to a new position as well. It's quite the process....sometimes all the shoveling and groaning coming from the pain of moving wakes Mark up, which again, makes me feel bad.
  • My nerves are getting short. I can feel myself getting frustrated easier with everyone and everything.
  • People feel the need to tell me I'm getting big and really popping. Thank you, captain obvious. I am eight months pregnant, and after about 6 months of you telling me you couldn't even tell I was pregnant (and apparently thought I just walked around with a round gut?), I had to start showing at some point before the kid is born.

Okay, enough ranting on the pregnancy. I've been trying to use the upcoming holiday season as a distraction. Tonight, Mark and I began to decorate for Christmas since the holidays will be hectic trying to celebrate with both families plus the possibility of Jack coming at any point. It put me in a better mood....and Max and I get to go get a few more Christmas things tomorrow :) Well, I hadn't blogged in awhile, so I guess this was my lame attempt at showing yes, I'm still hanging in there....barely :) I hope everyone else is having a nice time gearing up for the holidays as well! I'm trying not to be a bah humbug over here!

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