Monday, June 7, 2010

Responsible Adults...we're so old.

Sooo, in my last post I talked about Mark and I wanting to go on a vacation next week while he has a week off from work. We searched high and low...Vegas, Florida, Cedar Point, Chicago, Michigan cottages, etc...when we finally decided that the best and most economical vacation for us would be to stay right here. The plan? My parents will be taking Max up to the lake for a "mini-vacation" for 3 days or so...spending the night with them, swimming in the lake, boat rides, getting spoiled...he'll love it! Mark and I on the other hand will get some much needed yard-work/house-work done during the day (after a sleep in a tiny bit...), then head off to dinner and a movie, possibly Four Winds Casino, etc. for those nights. It will be relaxing and rewarding...we will get some stuff done around here without chasing a 20 month old, while still getting some time for fun at night. It also won't cost us too much money, which is perfect considering the list of things we're about to purchase for the house! So, I'm really looking forward to next week :) Right now I'm trying to catch up on some laundry and reorganize a little bit...then our cleaning lady will come on Saturday, and I don't know exactly what it is, but I work so much better with a fresh and clean house! Saturday is also Mark's 28th birthday....which means I need to finalize a birthday present for him STAT!

We're also currently searching for the "perfect" new bedroom set for Max. I know the baby isn't coming for about 6 months, but trust me, those months will fly. Also, I think Max will need quite a while to adjust to a new room and a new, we're working on it now. The baby will be taking over Max's crib furniture as well as room, since that room is perfect for a nursery due to it being the smallest bedroom. Max will move across the hall into a bigger bedroom with new furniture and new big boy decor :) I've scoured stores here in town and online to try to find a good set for him, but I'm so torn on what I want....I kind of want a full bed instead of a twin bed, basically so he can grow into it and keep it a lot longer...and also so we can snuggle into bed with him at night and read stories. He's also quite the violent sleeper and thrashes around the entire night, so a big bed may suit him better....but, I'm also concerned about him rolling out of the bed. Anyone know if you can buy rails you can attach and detach from any bed? I originally wanted bunk beds in his room....I think they look so adorable in little boys rooms, and later on when he has friends or cousins spend the night they can sleep on the bunk....but, they kind of scare me in the fact that he may try to climb them, etc. So, the search continues. Mark and I also have yet to agree on a "theme". Mark wants a hardcore pirate theme in Max's room....I want something more, eh, "pottery-barn-esque" for boys. Who knows what'll happen....our next battle will be the nursery...except if this baby is a girl, I'll probably be granted free reign since Mark won't have a clue :) 10 more weeks...10 more weeks!

We ALSO need to purchase a shed for our backyard. Apparently, the people who lived in this house before use either: A) only parked one car in the garage, or B) didn't have much yard crap to store. Our two car garage is NOT cutting it in the storage department for our yarding needs. We can only park one car in the garage, and that's even a tight fit. So, to declutter our garage, we've decided to bite the bullet and purchase a shed. Since we live in a neighborhood with an association and restrictions though, we have to buy a shed "to code" - meaning a nice shed that matches our house....meaning, expensive. *Sigh*. So, these a just a few reasons why we decided not to go on vacation and to be, well, responsible adults who spend their money on furniture and sheds instead of martinis and beaches :) I wish we fell into the category of those who could do BOTH....someday, folks, someday!

Anyways, I'm counting down to our mini vacation of Hana Yori, Coldstone, casinos, movies and sleep! :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good staycation to me. Its weird how relaxing it is when Colt stays at my parents. Enjoy.
