Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Staycation Woohoo!

We are currently in the middle of day two of our "stay-cation" and it ROCKS! Now, I LOVE my Max, but having a few days of "me" time and actually GETTING THINGS DONE around the house has made me refreshed and more laid back. Yesterday, after we dropped the big boy off at the lake in the morning, we came back here and did a little yard work until it rained. Then we came inside and were extremely lazy, watching tv and TAKING NAPS! NAPS! I haven't napped since I was in college...it was amazing! We finally got ready, went to dinner at Hana Yori (Mark's favorite) and went to the movie theater and watched "Get Him to the Greek"...it was an okay movie, but still a pretty good night! We then came home and I, of course, was exhausted and went straight to bed. Slept THROUGH THE NIGHT. UNTIL 8AM.....I also don't think I've slept in until 8AM since college, it too was AMAZING! Today we woke up, took our time getting the day started, and finished our yard-work....bushes trimmed, flowers planted, weeds pulled, grass mowed....ahhhh :) Tonight, we are thinking of a somewhat lazy evening...possibly run a few errands, then stay in with maybe a pizza, some good movies, play Wii and catch up on some much needed laundry so I'm ahead of the game when Max comes home. Oh, I should also mention that my house is STILL CLEAN since the cleaning lady came on Saturday...which has to be a record! I'm loving it and am going to try everything in my power to keep it somewhat that way! We moved most of Max's toys to his playroom in the basement and have decided that we will spend most of our time down there now so the mess isn't all over the main floor of the house....we'll see how that works out.

Anyway, I'm so in love with the way my house looks and feels right now that I may even post pictures at some point since I realized I never did that since we moved last August. As on to more news, I'm currently in the middle of my 11th week of pregnancy and feel as though this is the slowest moving pregnancy ever. I'm PRAYING that the second I hit 13 weeks all nausea and grossness will disappear and I will begin to feel normal again. It's not as bad as it was in the beginning, but it's just downright annoying that I have to feel icky everyday and I'm so over it. I want my energy back, damnit! Also only about 8 weeks or so (or maybe a little sooner?!) until our ultrasound to find out the gender of the baby :) We're still tossing names around, but we've seemed to narrow it down and hopefully I can announce a name in the near future.

Well, I guess I better shower and get goin. We have lunch to eat, more baby gates to buy, and more money to spend (groan). Which, by the way, I'd like to complain about how expensive flowers and landscaping crap is....we spent $100 at Menards yesterday on, basically, flowers! RIDIC! I've felt like an ATM machine lately, and we all know that I am extremely tight with money, so imagine my anxiety.....

I hope that everyone else is enjoying their summer! Now if only the sun would return....

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