Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pregnancy Depression

I've hit the point in my pregnancy where I am just BLAH. My back is killing me. I can't sleep at night for lack of a comfortable position. I feel like a fat ass. My hormones are out of control. Jack enjoys kicking right on my bladder all day long. I'm working full-time. Max is two (well, almost!)...enough said. THIS MOMMA HAS HAD IT! I am in desperate need of some quality "me" time. The problem is, the "me" time I enjoy most is primping....and right now, I don't feel that all the primping in the world could make me feel better about myself. When you look like you're hoarding a basketball under your shirt, the last thing you feel is attractive. Still....I've tried telling myself I can still accessorize myself with cute necklaces, earrings, etc. I can still get my hair did. I still need to look presentable, even if I feel like CRAP. Lately, I've had this major urge to just want to be back in my old workout routine and skinny again! Oh how I long for those adorable jeans in my closet just waiting to be worn. I'm so ready to be back in shape and feeling good about myself again....maybe getting my back strength back up so it doesn't hurt so bad all the time. *Sigh* But for right now, I have another long 12 weeks to go. Then, I have roughly 6 weeks after that until I'm technically suppose to be able to work out again. Luckily, I haven't been gaining as much weight as I did with Max, so hopefully it's even easier to take the weight off. My unrealistic-yet-I'm-still-going-to-try goal is to be back into my old clothes by Spring Break....that's roughly 3 months after Jack will be born. We'll see how that one goes. I'm a very dedicated dieter when I want to be, and we have the Insanity workout DVDs here that I'm ready to literally sweat my butt off to.

Well, this blog makes me sound like a serious Debbie Downer. Don't get me wrong....I know I'm getting an amazing gift from this pregnancy. I know I'm lucky that be able to be pregnant and have my beautiful baby boys. Some days, though, you just have to vent. Today is one of those days. Now I'm off to eat some pumpkin pie....hey, pumpkin isn't that bad for you and I deserve it after I took a "brisk" two mile walk! :)

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