Sunday, October 24, 2010


I'm just going to be blunt and say it, I'm not shamed. I Hate Being Pregnant. I hated being pregnant the first time around. But I'm REALLY hating being pregnant this time around. Last time with Max, yeah, it sucked, but I also was not working full time and was not attempting to chase a two year old around. This time I am busy, exhausted and just in pain. You forget about how much something sucks after while....that was me with pregnancy. I forgot about how much it sucks until all those wonder things that come along with pregnancy started in.

For the record, I know I sound like a negative debbie downer. I know being pregnant is a miracle and yada, yada yada. But homegirl is tired. Hurting. Ready to be done. Just appease a very pregnant girl and don't judge. I'm gonna rant - thanks.

First of all, I am SO OVER being fat. Yes, I know, some of you who have seen me are probably saying "you're not even that big!". I'm aware that compared to other ladies who are 7 1/2 months pregnant, I may not look that far along. I assure you, though, that I feel like a whale for my own body. I am a person who is typically very health conscious and likes to maintain a fit physique. When I have no control over the size of my body, it frustrates me and makes me very upset :( I also hate the fact that my body retains water like whoa and the number on the scale and I are not seeing eye to eye right now. All of those clothes in my closet I currently can't wear aren't helping matters any. Rotating the same four pairs of pants and six shirts gets old after awhile (I refuse to spend a crapload of money on maternity clothes - they're hideous and temporary). I currently have 10 more weeks to go until my due date....then typically 6 weeks to wait until you can "officially" exercise....but you better believe I'll be taking baby steps to get my old body back the day after delivery, because this crap is unacceptable.

My back is about to break in two. I was sent to a physical therapist early on in my pregnancy due to increased back pain. The therapist told me that one of my hips was currently lower than the other, causing extreme discomfort. Unfortunately, pregnancy is only making it worse....and even after the pregnancy, all you can do is exercise and strengthen your core (although you won't have all the added pressure of pregnancy on your body). My back is getting so bad I can barely sleep at night for lack of a comfortable position. Mark tells me that I put up a "wall" at night since I have a huge body pillow and about five other pillows surrounding me trying to find some comfort. It's extremely irritating and just downright painful. I've stopped going to physical therapy because the exercises they made me do was honestly only adding to my pain, and seriously, who needs that while pregnant?!

I am tired. Sluggish. Moody. Hungry. Disgusted. Hurting. BLAH! I know all you ladies out there that either have been pregnant or are pregnant can sympathize with me to some degree. 10 more weeks....seems like an eternity!

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