Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pregnancy Updates

Well, here I am in my 31st week of pregnancy. Almost 8 months pregnant and feeling completely miserable :( Since my last "whoa is me" post, my body has continued to fall apart. One good news is that my OBGYN decided to give me a prescription for the wonderful "morning sickness" nausea that decided that return to my life in the middle of the night. Not only was I not sleeping well at night due to my aching back, but being up all night with nausea was just too much. I could barely function at work or at home due to extreme sleep deprivation and just feeling like CRAP. I was nervous about taking medication while pregnant, but confirmed with about three doctors that the prescription is safe and to take it. Since I've been taking it before bed at night, I've been feeling better and a little bit more rested. The aching back is still very present though along with now aching groin muscles that make it uncomfortable to walk. I'm guessing that's coming from all the stretching going on with my ligaments in the area. This past week or so, Jack has really decided to show the world where he's currently living. Several coworkers, family members....hell everyone....has commented on how I've really "popped out"..."like a watermelon under my shirt". Lovely. Jack has also starting tap dancing on my bladder, which is always an uncomfortable feeling. ANNNNDDD Braxton Hicks, you suck! Well, if this means I'm almost to the end, I'll take it! I'm hoping with all the holiday festivities coming up that time will pass quickly and before we know it, Jack will be here!

On a happier note, Halloween is tomorrow and my big boy Max will be debuting as Buzz Light Year! I think I'm more excited than he is to see him in his costume and take pictures :) Other big news in our house: Toy Story 3 comes out on Tuesday - woohoo! Mommy and daddy are definitely excited for that one as well, since it means we'll get to watch something other than the Toy Story 1 & 2 that's been playing at our house for 2 months straight.

I hope everyone has a Happy Halloween and is gearing up for the Holidays! I know it's going to get crazy around here with all the different family get togethers we're having while preparing for Jack....but hey, as I said, it'll make time fly hopefully!

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